Seattle Plein Air

Seattle Plein Air

An outdoor painting club
for artists in the Seattle area

Paint With A Friend Or A Group Of Friends.

Find fellow artists in your neighborhood that share your love for making art.

Set up meetings that are local to where you live and invite other artists to join you.


[pleyn-air; French ple-ner]

Word Origin


  1. pertaining to a manner or style of painting developed chiefly in France in the mid-19th century, characterized by the representation of the luminous effects of natural light and atmosphere as contrasted with the artificial light and absence of the sense of air or atmosphere associated with paintings produced in the studio.
  2. designating a painting executed out of doors and representing a direct response to the scene or subject in front of the artist.
  3. (of a painting) having the qualities of air and natural light.

Who Should Join?

Anyone can join us. The only criteria is that we paint outside. So you can be any age, at any skill level, from anywhere, using any medium you want including just a sketchpad and a pencil. Or just skip the painting part and drop by to meet us and see what we are doing.

  • Normally our events are unstructured and uninstructed. Show up, pick a good view, set up your stuff and start painting.
  • There are typically no teachers leading the events, so you are on your own.
  • Bring whatever gear and art supplies you like.
  • You are welcome to participate in the entire event, or arrive late and/or leave early.
  • No one takes attendance.

Painting Meetings

Email me at to schedule new painting events.

When the new site is up, you will be able to schedule them yourself.

Tee Dock at Leschi

Friday, May 13, 4:00pm

Description: The Tee Dock is on the west shore of Lake Washington between Leschi and Madrona. It provides views of Mount Rainier and Bellevue.

Where to Meet: Meet on the dock.

Region: Seattle

Address: 853 Lake Washington Blvd, Seattle, WA 98122

Seward Park

Saturday, May 14, 8:00am

Description: Seward Park is a large forested park on its own small peninsula on Lake Washington. There are views of Mount Rainier, as well as many places to paint on the lake shore. You can find flowers, trees, as well as dense forest along the forest trails.

Where to Meet: Meet at the Autobon Building.

Region: Seattle

Address: 5900 Lake Washington Blvd. S, Seattle, WA 98118

Quad at UW Campus

Saturday, May 14, Noon

Description: The Quad at UW is a large lawn on campus between the campus buildings. The trees and buildings provide many opportunities to paint all year round.

Where to Meet: Meet on the back steps of the Art Building.

Region: Seattle

Address: University Of Washington, Seattle WA

Gasworks Park

Sunday, May 15, Noon

Description: Gasworks Park is an industrial site on the north shore of Lake Union. There is also a large yard, with a frairly high hill that provides views of the old gas works machinery, Lake Union, the Aurora Bridge, and several other subjects.

Where to Meet: Meet at the top of the grassy knoll. (Hah! see what I did there?)

Region: Seattle

Address: 2101 N Northlake Way, Seattle, WA 98103

Mount Rainier From Seward Park
Watercolor, 6x12 inches

Seward Park
Watercolor, 6x12 inches

Mount Rainier From Seward Park
Watercolor, 6x12 inches

Building at Seward Park
Watercolor, 6x12 inches

Mount Rainier From Madrona Park
Watercolor, 6x12 inches

Seward Park
Watercolor, 6x12 inches

Mount Rainier From Seward Park
Watercolor, 6x12 inches

Mount Baker Boat House
Watercolor, 6x12 inches

Mount Rainier From Seward Park
Watercolor, 6x12 inches

Bath House at Madrona Park
Watercolor, 6x12 inches

Mount Rainier From Seward Park
Watercolor, 6x12 inches

Mount Rainier From Leschi Park
Watercolor, 6x12 inches

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